
AoT AU: Learn To Love Mike x Reader Part 22

Deviation Actions

Jewsters1986's avatar

Literature Text

Petra and Auruo’s courtship meeting was going well.
After lunch he had offered to teach her how to play one of his favourite card games while the tavern was still quiet, she of course had eagerly accepted and the four of you were currently sat staring at each other deep in concentration.
“So I have those three which I can use right?” Asked Petra in a hushed tone, showing Auruo her cards.
“Yeah you’re halfway to winning, now you can go either way with the other three since they're all the same suit.” Explained your friend, pointing to them and discreetly leaning into the ginger haired cook so they were almost cheek to cheek.
You smirked and sipped your drink, watching them closely before turning your attention back to your own cards and wondering what move to make.
Clicking your tongue thoughtfully you picked up one from the deck and regarded it with a frown, it was clearly not what you were hoping for, so with a disgruntled sigh you put it onto the discard pile.
Mike hummed thoughtfully and looked at the card you had just placed down before looking at the cards in his hand.
He grinned and picked it up, discarding one he didn’t need and placing the others face up on the table.
"Oh shoot!" Sighed Petra, placing her cards down. "I needed that to win!"
"I told you rummy was an easy game to get the hang of My Dear.” Boasted Auruo with a smug smile.
“Well done.” You nodded. “Better luck next time, anyone want another drink?”
“Same again for me.” Replied Auruo.
“I’ll try whatever he’s been drinking.” Said Mike.
“Oh erm, another glass of wine thanks.
“Okay, you can come give me a hand.”
She nodded and followed you to the bar, watched closely by your friend.
“Quite the pretty little thing your cook.” He remarked, preparing to shuffle the cards for another game.
“What are your intentions towards her?” Asked Mike evenly, folding his arms.
“Tch, I hope you’re not implying I’m going to treat her like some sort of whore?” Auruo raised his eyebrows. “You do realize f/n would skin me alive if I did!”
“Far from it.” Answered Mike evenly. “I just think Petra deserves someone who will treat her properly.”
“I wish all Wall Sina citizens as considerate as you.” He frowned. “Normally your kind are quite stuck up and snobbish when it comes to female servants.”
Now it was Mike’s turn to frown, from his brief sniff of Auruo earlier he had picked up on the little fact that he liked to be arrogant at times where his father’s servants were concerned...Then again he also deduced that he only usually did that to show off, regardless he still didn’t like your friend’s attitude.
“My parents raised me to be respectful of others, despite their class differences.”
“That will be why f/n has warmed up to you then.” Shrugged the sandy haired male, grinning smugly a moment later. “The moment she heard she was to be paired off with someone from Wall Sina she hit the roof!”
“Yes, I’m well aware how she felt about me before we were married.”
“Well, all I can say is you’re not such a bad’s nice to see someone from there who isn’t a stuck up snob!”
Mike let out an amused snort and looked towards the bar, seeing you and Petra talking with Ymir.

“So what do you think of Auruo?”
Petra shrugged and frowned.
“He seems okay, he’s not really much to look at, but his attempts at being charming are kinda cute...even if he does end up sounding like an arrogant pig!”
“Well I did warn you he was nothing much to look at!” You laughed, shaking your head. “He’s trying bless him, you’re the first girl he’s actually made an attempt to talk to with the prospect of courtship in mind.”
“I am?”
“Yeah, I will warn you though he gets a little...perverted as his confidence grows. So if he upsets you let me know and I’ll deal with him.”
“Thanks for the warning, but I think I’ll be able to handle him.”
“Hey girlies, what can I get you?”
You looked around when Ymir appeared and leaned on the bar.
“Two tankards of ale, another rum and another glass of wine.”
“Coming up.”She grinned. “So what does your fancy husband think to my humble tavern?”
“He seems to be enjoying himself so far, although I can’t wait for things to kick off later though!”
Ymir laughed and placed two full tankards on the bar top, reaching underneath it for a wine glass a moment later and opening a fresh bottle as she turned to Petra.
“So what’s drawn you to that idiot Auruo?”
Petra giggled.
“Things didn’t work out in my last courtship arrangement, f/n here was kind enough to try and help me move on from it.”
“Ah rebound, gotcha!” Winked Ymir.
Petra turned to face you, looking more than a little uncomfortable with where this conversation was going.
“Oh don’t worry Sweetheart, Auruo may be an idiot but he’s actually a really decent guy.”
“You’re really not helping Ymir.” You giggled, noticing how pale Petra had suddenly turned.
“I erm...I’ll start taking the drinks back to the table.”
Hastily picking up the two tankards she made a hasty retreat, much to your amusement.
“So f/n.” Said Ymir in a matter of fact tone of voice. “For a “panty sniffing pervert” your husband is quite handsome, I honestly can't understand your objections. Hell if I were straight I’d have him myself!”
“Yeah he is pretty handsome, considering he’s fifteen years older than me!”
“Ah, so it was his reputation and where he comes from that finally won you over?"
“I have no interest in his money or status.” You laughed. “Wall Sina can go to hell for all I care! Regarding Mike though, he’s different...he’s kind and charming. I sort of wish I’d given him a chance.”
“So you think you can see yourself settling down and having a future with him?” She grinned slyly before continuing. “Maybe even have some little hell raisers running around destroying his big expensive manor?”
You laughed and leaned over the bar, shoving her shoulder.
Although in all honesty, the idea had started to play on your mind about the possibility of settling down properly with Mike if things did eventually work themselves out.
As for children, you certainly thought he would be a good father, but the big question was were you good enough to be a mother? Could you really change your wild ways and be mature enough to raise a family of your own?
Thinking about it was one thing but actually doing it was another...for a start you’d not even consummated your marriage yet.
“Oi f/n come on!” Yelled a voice behind you, breaking you out of your thoughtful state.
You looked around and saw Auruo giving you a sour look, clearly growing impatient with you.
“We're waiting to play again here!”
“Coming.” You replied, picking up Petra’s wine and your rum before making your way back to the table.

Trost’s market square finally began to grow quiet as trading for the day ceased.
D/n l/n finished serving his last customer and waved them away with a smile before turning to his assistant.
“We're done now Thomas, I doubt we'll be getting anymore business today.”
“Got it.” Smiled the young man. “Shall I start loading the cart up?”
“Yes please, we have quite a few deliveries to make before sunset.”
Thomas nodded and reached under the table at the back of the stall, picking up some crates and starting to load them up with work tools.
Your father watched him for a moment before picking up his delivery list and starting to scan through it, checking everything was in order.
“Excuse me.” Came a male voice.
“I’m afraid we’re closed for…” Your father looked up, his words catching in his throat when he recognized the source of the voice.
“Good evening d/n.” Said a rather sinister looking man in a Military Police uniform and red bolo tie, a crooked smile played on his stubble framed lips, while his cold hazel eyes bore into your father’s.
“Good evening Nile.” Said your father evenly, faking a friendly tone that managed to disguise his unease. “What brings you to Trost?”
“Military business with Commander Pixis, quite boring really.” Shrugged Nile. “How was today’s trade?”
Your father averted his gaze and attempted to remain calm, he didn’t buy Nile’s "military business" story at all. Furthermore your mother had already informed him of your plans to spend the day with Mike in The Two Roses before staying the night with them at their villa in the countryside. He couldn’t let Nile know you were here in Trost, although part of him couldn’t help but worry that he already knew you were there.
Had he heard you were visiting and was planning to use it as an opportunity to stir up trouble?
“It’s been fairly busy today, if it carries on like this tomorrow I will need to take on another assistant.”
Nile nodded, his smile disappearing to be replaced by a very unnerving stare.
“Glad to hear it. How is m/n?”
Your father tensed up and cast a quick glance at Thomas, watching him load several barrels of brooms onto the cart.
“She is well thank you.” He nodded, forcing a tight smile onto his lips. “Please excuse me.”
Nile remained silent, allowing your father to pass him and start packing away the baskets at the front of the stall, however his next words sent an uncomfortable chill down his spine.
“It’s the ten year anniversary of her brother’s death tomorrow isn’t it? I’m sorry, I forget his name…”
“Farlan.” Said your father quietly, resisting the urge to punch the Military Police commander square in the face. “His name was Farlan.”
“Ah yes, Farlan.” Grinned Nile, folding his arms across his chest and putting on a fake air of sympathy. “Please give her my regards. How is f/n doing? I saw her not long ago at Lady Hanji's birthday celebrations, she really does scrub up well I must say. I do hope Mike is treating her well.”
“He treats her like a queen.” Your father smiled proudly and turned back to face him. “They’re very happy together, I dare say I shall be hearing that they are expecting their first child soon.”
That wiped the grin from the smug bastards face, it was a lie of course but Nile didn’t need to know that your marriage with Mike remained unconsummated.
“That’s wonderful, I’m happy to hear that.”
However Nile sounded anything but pleased by this information and the tight fake smile on his face certainly wasn't fooling anyone.
“Well I shall leave you to it, I have a long ride back to Wall Sina to prepare for.”
“Goodbye Nile, have a safe journey.” Your father said amicably.
‘I hope your carriage falls down a ditch and you break every bone in your body, you bastard!’ He added internally for good measure once Nile turned his back and walked away.
“The first cart load is ready to go.” Said Thomas, bringing your father back to reality.
“Ah right, thank you Thomas.” He approached the young assistant and handed him the delivery list. “I’ll carry on here, after you’ve dealt with this you can leave early and I’ll sort the rest.”
“Oh thank you.” Smiled Thomas. “I won’t be long.”
Your father nodded and waved him away, looking across the market square towards The Two Roses tavern, a frown gracing his features.
‘“Mike.” He muttered to himself. “Please don’t let that bastard hurt my little girl!”

“Looks like I win again!” Smiled Petra, placing her cards face up on the table and picking up her drink..
“I have clearly taught you well.” Grinned Auruo, he leaned into her and placed a kiss on her cheek, making her blush and giggle as she sipped her wine.
“We’ll have to watch her when we get home Mike.” You laughed, leaning back in your seat and looking at him. “She’ll be hustling everyone in the servants quarters during down time!”
Mike chuckled and nodded, turning his attention to Petra.
“Well done, that’s two games in a row.”
“Thank you. Are we having another game?”
“Auruo you’ve created a monster!” You gasped in mock horror, reaching for the pile of cards and proceeding to shuffle them ready to begin a new game.
“Hey guys, having fun?”
You all looked around and saw Krista wiping down the table next to you before some Stationary Guard soldiers walked over and occupied it.
“Three tankards of the usual please Sweetheart.” Said one of the burly men.
“Coming up.” She replied before turning her attention back to you. “Sasha’s just put some fresh bread in the oven to go with tonight’s soup. Shall I bring you all some?”
“Sounds good to me.” You smiled, turning back to face the others and earning three nods of approval.
“We’ll take three bowls as well, won’t we fellas?” Said one of the Stationary Guard soldiers on the next table, looking at his comrades who all patted the solid wooden surface in approval. Clearly they intended to make the most of their down time, starting with some decent food and then followed by plenty of alcohol.
“Okay, I’ll let Sasha know and bring it over when it’s ready.”
“Krista my darling, you’re an angel!” Smiled one of the soldiers.
“You’re a goddess!” Said the second one, staring at her dreamily.
“One day my wife!” Stated the third man, winking at her and making her blush.
“Hah you wish!” Snorted a voice from the bar. “Try stealing my girlfriend again and I’ll kick the lot of you out!”
The soldiers immediately fell silent under Ymir’s harsh glare as Krista fiddled with her apron and walked away towards the kitchen.
You shook your head and laughed, continuing to shuffle the cards before dealing them out to begin a new game.

D/n l/n looked up when he heard the sound of a horse drawn cart coming to a halt in front of his now empty stall.
“Do you want some help loading up this lot before I leave?” Asked Thomas, jumping down from his seat.
“No thank you, I can manage.”
“Right, well in that case I’m going to head over to The Two Roses for a quick one before I go home.”
“Actually, yes you can help me load up the cart again.” Smiled your father. “I have to make a delivery there, I’ll give you a ride when you’re done.”
“Oh, thank you very much.”
Your father nodded and watched Thomas start to load some crates onto the back of the cart while checking the delivery schedule, The Two Roses was first on his list. At least that way he could drop in on you and make sure you were safe, your mother had already assured him that she had seen you and warned Mike that Nile was sniffing around Trost.
However the fact that he had approached him directly before boldly inquiring about you made his stomach clench with dread and he wouldn’t be satisfied that you were safe until he saw you with his own eyes.

“Ha! Thanks for that Auruo, just what I wanted!”
You swiftly picked up the card he had placed down mere seconds ago, discarding the one you didn’t need before placing your winning cards on the table face up.
“Ah damnit!” Groaned Auruo placing his cards down and picking up his drink, much to the amusement of the Stationary Guard soldiers sat near you.
They looked over and snickered, shaking their heads at his misfortune.
“Oh dear, beaten by a woman.” Tutted one of them. “Better luck next time mate!”
Mike looked over and raised a curious eyebrow at them, however he soon became a little uncomfortable when the one nearest you reached over and tapped you on the shoulder, giving you a lopsided grin.
“So Sweetheart, fancy a game?”
You gave him a cheeky smirk and nodded to Mike.
“I would love to play with you Darling, but my husband doesn’t like sharing his toys!”
Mike’s eyes widened so fast his eyebrows shot up to his hairline, Auruo bit his tongue in shock and Petra gasped at your bluntness.
“Whoa shit, sorry!” Gasped the soldier his gaze immediately turning towards Mike and realizing that that blonde male was nearly twice his size. "I had no idea she was married.”
His comrades began laughing at his misfortune, their sense of camaraderie instantly deserting them during the embarrassing situation.
“You do know who she is right?” Laughed one of the older soldiers you challenger was sat with.
“Should I?”
“That's f/n l/n...well that's how we all know her anyway." He smiled nervously, flashing you an apologetic smile at not knowing your married name. "She's d/n l/n's daughter, you know who he is right?"
"Ah yes he supplies us with all our cleaning equipment for the cannons and barracks."
"Yeah, well she's also the person the punters refer to as “Nutcracker” when idiots like you try your luck or misbehave.”
The soldier turned back to face you and frowned, cocking his head to one side and studying you intensely.
“Hello!” You smiled innocently, giving him a polite wave.
“Seriously? She’s Nutcracker?” He asked, looking back at his comrades and then at you again. “You're pulling me leg! She can’t be more than nineteen years old!”
“I’ll be twentyone in a couple of months.”
“Sorry Doll, but you don’t scare me!” Snorted the soldier. "Your husband maybe, but you...nah, no chance!"
“Wanna prove it?” You grinned slyly, earning you a chuckle from Auruo. “How about an arm wrestle?”
The soldier burst out laughing and banged his fists on the table.
“You? Arm wrestle me?”
“What’s wrong? Scared of getting your ass kicked by a girl?”
The soldier ceased his laughter and narrowed his eyes, the entire tavern had now fallen silent and all eyes were on the pair of you.
“Pah, fine I’ll take you on little girl!” He scoffed. “Name your terms!”
You grinned and rolled your eyes thoughtfully.
“Okay then soldier boy, if I win, you buy my group our next round of drinks.”
“Fine and if I win...I get a kiss!”
Mike blinked rapidly and looked at you disapprovingly as the soldier held out a hand.
“Deal!” You took the soldier’s hand and shook it before turning to look over at the bar. “Ymir, come and referee this match for us!”

D/n pulled the horse drawn cart to a halt outside The Two Roses and furrowed his brows, the tavern seemed awfully rowdy today, although he could hazard a guess as to why.
“Wow, it's all kicking off in there tonight.” Mused Thomas, jumping down from the cart and heading towards the door. "What do you reckon is happening?"
“You'll see when we go in there!" laughed your father, hitching up the horses he joined Thomas at the door and opened it.
Upon stepping into the tavern he looked around and saw everyone crowded around a table in the middle of the main area, while a few of the other punters lined the staircase for a better view.
Sat at the table in the midst of the crowd was a Stationary Guard soldier, flanked by his comrades, a look of grim determination on his face as he arm wrestled with a young h/l h/c haired woman.
You gripped his hand harder in yours and held onto the edge of the table with your other, your e/c eyes narrowing in concentration, trying to drown out the noise of the excited crowd.
“Come on Nutcracker, kick his ass!” Yelled Auruo.
“Don’t give up, you got this!” Said one of the soldiers to his comrade, trying to offer some form of encouragement to make up for their earlier mockery.
You grinned at your opponent, your interlocked fists shaking from the tension.
The soldier growled as sweat started to drip down his face, you were a lot stronger than you looked.
“Do you think she has a chance of winning?” Asked Petra quizzically, turning to look at Auruo.
“Seriously?” He gasped. “Petra my dear, f/n is going to slam him through the table!”
Mike watched uncomfortably as you bit your lip and grunted, trying to force your opponents hand towards the wooden surface, he was impressed by your strength and determination, but he couldn’t help wondering if you’d bitten off more than you could chew.
“Is that...f/n?” Gasped Thomas, looking at your father who was now chuckling and shaking his head in amusement.
“Yep, that’s my girl, whenever there's a rowdy tavern you'll find her in the thick of it causing trouble!"
You winked your opponent and started to apply more pressure, finally managing to force his hand down towards the table.
“What the hell man!” Yelled one of his comrades, his eyes wide with shock. “She’s beating you! You’re supposed to be a soldier!”
“Shut up, I got this!” He snapped back, however he couldn’t have been more wrong.
His momentary lapse in concentration to turn back and berate his comrade gave you the opportunity to slam his hand down onto the table and claim victory.
“Nutcracker wins!” Yelled Ymir, raising your free arm and yanking you up from your seat in the process as the tavern erupted with applause. “I’ll put their next round on your tab shall I Ludwig? F/n same again?”
You looked over at your companions who simply nodded and smiled.
“Yeah please Ymir.” You called out, trying to make yourself heard over the noise of your fellow patron's cheers
Ymir nodded and headed back to the bar.
The soldier known as Ludwig groaned and rubbed his sore arm, lowering his head in embarrassment.
“Hey, Ludwig right?” You smiled, offering him your hand. “Good effort, I actually thought you were going to beat me."
He blinked and looked at your outstretched hand, a smirk crossing his features a moment later when he took hold and engaged you in a sporting handshake.
“Remind me never to bet against you in the future, by the way I don't envy your husband having a strong woman like you for a wife...I'd be terrified if I were him!"
You laughed and nodded, returning to the table you, Mike, Auruo and Petra were occupying and sitting down, giving Mike a cocky smile.
“Don’t you think that was a little bit too far?” Questioned your husband worriedly. “I like that you’re confident and independent f/n, but you could’ve ended up in serious trouble."
“Hey, he never specified who he got a kiss from if he won.” You shrugged. “I could’ve chosen anyone in the whole of Trost to lock lips with him!”
Mike’s jaw dropped open in disbelief, however a moment later he shook his head and chuckled.
Today was certainly proving to be a very interesting experience for him, even if you had just nearly given him a mini heart attack with your antics.
“Besides.” You continued, standing from your seat and moving towards him and wrapped your arms around his neck, seating yourself on his lap. “The only man I’ll ever lock lips with is you! So how about a kiss for the winner?”
Mike smiled and wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer and moving a hand to the back of your neck.
“For you f/n...anything.” He craned his neck and brought you down to meet him, passionately kissing you and earning a few cat calls from the other punters.

Across the tavern your father approached the bar, looking around at the sound of whistles and cheers.
“Aw, now isn’t that cute?” Smiled Thomas, nodding in the direction of you and Mike.
“Hmm?” Your father looked around and caught sight of you and Mike breaking your passionate clinch, he smiled warmly when you buried your head into the crook of Mike’s neck and held onto him.
“It most certainly is.” He agreed, his approving smile widening marginally.
“What can I get you fellas?” Asked Ymir.
“Evening Ymir, a tankard of the usual please.” Said Thomas. “D/n, are you sure I can’t tempt you with a quick one?”
Your father looked back to him and politely shook his head.
“No thanks. I have to finish these deliveries and head to my villa for the night, I'm helping the wife prepare for her birthday party in a couple of weeks time.” He turned his attention to Ymir and smiled. “By the way I have your weekly order outside.”
“Just a moment.” Replied the freckled female, pouring Thomas a drink and scanning the tavern for any sign of Krista, who she eventually found clearing a table near the piano.
“Krista, I need you to sort the delivery out for me and then help Sasha in the kitchen.”
“On my way.”
Your father nodded and said his goodbyes to Thomas, making his way back out to the cart.
He started to unload the tavern’s order, looking up when Krista came out a few minutes later.
“Here’s the list, I just need you to check it.”
Krista nodded and started to go through everything.
“Linen, towels, brushes, brooms and hessian sacks.” She muttered, checking each crate that your father placed in front of her. “Yep that’s everything for this week.”
“I’ll give you a hand.” Smiled your father, it wouldn’t be very polite of him to let a delicate little thing like Krista carry all of those heavy crates by herself.
“F/n is in the tavern if you wanted to see her.” Smiled the petite blonde, leading him through the front door and up the stairs to the storage room. "I assume you knew she was back in Trost for the day?"
“That’s okay my dear.” Said your father softly. “Let her enjoy spending time with her husband and friends, I’ll have plenty of time for fatherly nagging when she comes to the villa tonight.”
Krista giggled and opened the door to the storage room at the top of the stairs, starting to put things away while your father headed back down to retrieve the next set of crates.
After dealing with the tavern's delivery your father left The Two Roses and checked his list again, giving a satisfied nod he climbed into his cart and took up the horses reins, giving them a gentle flick and clicking his tongue to encourage the animals to move forward.
However as he pulled away, he failed to notice someone in the shadows of the alleyway opposite the tavern watching him, someone wearing a Military police uniform and red bolo tie…
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Dovahkiin55's avatar
oh gawd! Nile I hate you! Why are you everywhere I go!