
A Fateful Encounter: Reunion LevixReader

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Literature Text

It was almost time, you could feel your life ebbing away from you.
Old age had ravaged your body, leaving you weak and frail.
Twilight was upon you and soon you would leave this world behind.
A sad smile crossed your lips, you saw the faces of your two loving sons sitting by your death bed in your final moments.
The oldest was so much like his father, the resemblance was uncanny. He had the same raven hair and grey eyes that his father had. You could see your late husband in him every time you looked at him.
The younger son however was more like you, he had your hair and eyes but he had most definitely inherited his father’s crude sense of humor and attitude.
“Farlan, James.” You croaked out, feeling the last wisps of breath leaving your body.
“Be strong, stick together and remember I love you both.”
Farlan, the eldest nodded and grasped your hand tightly in his, they smiled as tears stung their eyes. You smiled sadly as one last shuddering breath left your body, your eyes closing for the final time...


You opened your eyes and blinked rapidly, pushing yourself up from the bed.
You looked around the empty room and swung your legs over the side of the bed.
Looking down at yourself, your e/c eyes widening as you observed your attire. You were once again dressed in the uniform you wore for nearly forty years of your life when you were a serving soldier in the Survey Corps.
“What the hell is happening to me?”
You gasped upon hearing your own voice, it was young and full of life again. A far cry from the recent husky rasp of your senior years.
Your hands went to your face and hair, feeling every detail of your person.
Your e/c eyes widened as you felt the smooth skin of your face, you pulled some hair into your field of vision and noticed it was once again the colour of your younger years.
Turning back to the bed another gasp escaped your lips, you saw your own body...old, frail and lifeless.
“So, I...I’m really dead!”
The sound of a horse whinnying outside snapped you out of your thoughts.
You walked over to the window and looked down to the street below, your brows furrowing as you saw a fully saddled and bridled brown horse with a black mane.

Exiting the house you spent your retirement in after leaving the military, you walked out onto the street and approached the horse.
“It can’t be...” You raised your hands to your mouth, although your heart was no longer beating a strange tightness gripped your chest.
The horse nodded and turned towards you, a smile crossed your face as you approached the faithful steed which served as your first mount during your time with the Survey Corps.
“F/n, come join us!” Whispered a voice.
“Huh, who said that?” You asked, but looking around you saw no one.
“Come on f/n!” Whispered another voice.
“We’re waiting for you!”
“We can’t wait to see you again!”
“We’ve missed you!”
The voices were so familiar to you.
Asher nudged you to get your attention.
“Where are you taking me huh?” You asked, gently stroking the animal’s muzzle.
Asher scuffed a hoof against the cobbled road of the street and nodded again.
“Okay, okay, I get it.” You laughed patting the animals neck.
You carefully mounted the horse and got comfortable in the saddle, gripping the reins loosely as you mount started to walk off of it’s own accord.
“Well I’m glad you know where you’re taking me, cos I sure as hell have no idea what’s going on.” You muttered.

You rode through the empty cobbled streets and looked at your surroundings.
The houses were all abandoned and empty and there wasn’t a soul to be seen. The streets were completely empty and devoid of life, normally a bustling environment of market stalls and people going about their daily business would be common here.
“Where is everyone?” You wondered out loud.
Turning to face forward you noticed Asher had stopped and you were now facing the gate that led to world beyond the walls.
Your brow furrowed, was this some sort of symbolic crossing over?
You had many memories of the expeditions over the years where you would wait in this exact spot with your comrades to go beyond the walls and wage war on the titans.
A war that had been successful in the end, despite the heavy losses you suffered along the way.
Your thoughts turned to your squad mates who you served with.
Sasha Brauss, Armin Arlet and Marco Bodt fell victim to the wrath of the titans. Yourself, Mikasa Ackerman, Eren Jaeger and Jean Kirschtein survived and lived to see them defeated. It was a hollow victory though, all the death and devastation overshadowed the triumph that had led to that one overall victory.
You swallowed hard and stared up at the gate, watching with trepidation as it slowly rose before you.
“Just like old times.” You mumbled with a smile, the sound of stone grinding on chains filled the air. The gate finally opened and locked into place, the bright light of the world beyond shining through it.
Asher snorted and shifted on his hooves.
“Come on f/n!” The whispers started again.
“We’re waiting for you!”
“We want to see you again!”
“We’re all here!”
“Come join us!”
You held your head high and sat up straight in your saddle.
“Come on Asher.” You said, patting the horse’s neck.
“One last expedition.”
Asher whinnied and reared up as you spurred him into a gallop.
The darkness of the tunnel enveloped you like it had done so many times over the years of your military life.
You squinted against the intensifying light, riding towards the tunnels end and emerging into the world beyond it.
Instead of the endless fields of green grass and clear blue skies, you found the Survey Corps HQ.
“Wow, I wasn’t expecting this.” You said looking around curiously.
Asher slowed down to a walk, approaching the vast castle which you had once called home.
All around you were other soldiers from all four of the different military branches. The Cadet Corps, the Stationary Guard, the Survey Corps and even the Military Police.
A few of them turned to face you, saluting and smiling.
A smile spread across your face as you returned the salute, unable to believe that so many of your comrades were here. It truly felt like you were returning home after so many years away from them.
“There she is!” Yelled a voice you instantly recognized.
You spun round in your saddle, your jaw dropped open as you saw the familiar long face and dual coloured hair.
“Jean?” You gasped.
Jean ran towards you and stopped to the left of Asher.
“You took your sweet time Brain Box!” Remarked Jean with a grin.
“Well sorry for not dying sooner Horse Face, we can’t all go at the same time!” You retorted, dismounting and folding your arms.
Jean raised an eyebrow at you, but a warm smile spread across your face as you pulled your old friend into you for an embrace.
He pulled away for a moment and pursed his lips together, leaning into you.
“In your dreams!” You laughed, giving him a slap round the face. “I’m pretty sure I can find a book around here somewhere!”
Jean pouted at you for a moment before grinning again.
“It’s good to see you again f/n.” He said warmly, taking your hand and leading you towards the castle.
“Come on the others are waiting.”
You willingly followed him, continuing to look around at the comrades you had once served with.

“Hey guys look who’s here!” Yelled Jean as you approached a group of teenagers wearing Survey Corps jackets which bore the blue and white wings of freedom.
“F/n!” Yelled a brown haired boy with emerald eyes.
“Eren!” You laughed, breaking away from the smiling Jean and embracing your old squad mate.
“You finally came!” Smiled Eren, he stood back and looked at you.
A black haired girl with smokey coloured eyes and a red scarf approached you, she was then joined by a short blonde male with bright blue eyes.
“Mikasa, Armin!” You smiled, embracing them.
“We’ve missed you f/n.” Smiled Armin. “Well done on surviving the titans.”
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t save you Armin.” You said sadly, lowering your gaze to the floor.
“It’s okay, you tried.” He smiled and pulled your head back up to face him.
“F/n, no one blames you for what happened.” Said Mikasa gently. “You only had time to save one person.”
You sighed. “Did Sasha ever resent me for it?”
“No I didn’t!” Came a muffled voice.
You laughed and turned to your left, seeing a brown haired girl approaching you, a smile played on her lips as she shoved a rather large baked potato into her mouth.
“Sasha!” You laughed, running to her you snatched the potato from her and threw it at Armin, who skilfully caught it.
“Hey that’s mine!” Snapped Sasha giving you a quick hug before pushing you away and going to retrieve her potato.
“Some things never change.” You smiled.
“F/n, good of you to finally join us.”
You hugged the tall dark haired, freckled male before turning to all your friends and smiling at each of them in turn.
“So was it your voices I could hear when know crossed over?”
“Who else did you think it would be?” Grinned Eren knowingly.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Come on.” He laughed grabbing your hand and dragging you away.


“Eren, slow down!” You shouted as he dragged you at break neck speed through the castle.
“Are you kidding?” Laughed Eren. “If I wasn’t already dead he’d kill me for keeping him waiting!”
“Who?” You asked, your brow furrowing in confusion.
You finally stopped outside a large wooden door.
“Just get in there, you’ll see!” Smiled Eren.
He opened the door and pushed you through it, closing it behind him.
“Eren!” You yelled through the door, but received no response.
“Stupid titan shifter.” You muttered sourly.
You turned back to look around the room he had abandoned you in, eyes widening as you took in your surroundings, suddenly you became very aware of where you were.
The room was the office of the captain whose squad you served in for five years before finally being promoted to Squad Leader.
A smile played on your lips as you moved towards the large oak desk in front of the window, it was just as you always remembered it.
Neat and tidy, a quill and ink pot in the right corner and paperwork neatly stacked towards the left corner.
Looking to the left hand wall you saw a bookcase full of old and interesting leather bound books, you’d read every single one of them.
To the right of the room was another wooden door which led to the adjoining bedroom, your smile widened. This room was more familiar to you than most people knew...after all, you spent most of your time here when you weren’t training.
You walked over to the bookcase and looked at the array of books there, you were so lost in your memories that you failed to hear the door open and someone step into the office, closing it behind them.
“Hello f/n.”
You froze at the sound of the familiar voice, a voice you’d not heard in nearly eight years. You swallowed hard and slowly turned round, your eyes widened and your hands went to your mouth.
Cold grey eyes, raven hair neatly parted down the middle, bangs falling either side of his recognized him in an instant.
“Levi!” You gasped, you could feel the strange tightness in your chest again. It almost felt like your heart was trying to beat once more.
Levi smiled at you, something only you were ever allowed to see.
You ran to him and threw yourself into his arms, nearly knocking him off his feet.
Levi wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you against him, his smile widened as he felt your arms lock around his neck.
You buried your face in the crook of his neck and held onto him like he would disappear into thin air. Even though you were both dead, it still felt like a dream that you would awaken from at any moment.
Levi pulled away from you and looked into your e/c eyes, his right hand came up to gently run his fingers through your h/l h/c hair.
“I love you f/n.” He said softly.
You swallowed hard, the tightness in your chest intensified at his words. You’d longed to hear them again and now you had, nothing else seemed to matter to you anymore.
“I love you too Levi.” You smiled, staring longingly into his grey eyes, marveling at the warmth towards you that still burned in them as it had done the day he first said those words to you.
Levi pulled you back towards him and locked his lips with yours. You instantly melted into the kiss, tightening your grip on him and tangling your fingers through his raven hair.
He was your first and only love, what started out as a teenage crush on your superior had developed into a full on relationship followed by marriage and two wonderful sons. You couldn’t have asked for a better life, sure it had its dangers and trials but together you overcame each and every one of them.
Levi had watched over you since he saved your life when you were twelve years old, when you were eighteen he fell head over heels in love with you. He tried to fight it, telling himself he shouldn’t love you because he was ten years your senior and also your captain, but it was a battle he ended up losing.
He never regretted it though, he would have gone back and done it all again if it meant he could still have you by his side.
He broke away from you and once again stared into your eyes.
“Come with me.” He said softly, taking your hand he led you out of the office. “There’s one more person who’s desperate to see you again.”
Your brow furrowed as he led you through the castle, you were pretty sure everyone you knew had seen you so far. He couldn’t possibly mean Hanji, he would’ve made a remark about her or called her “Shitty Glasses” as he always did. Also he would’ve been sure to make her wait. So who could he possibly mean?


Stepping out onto the battlements you looked down and saw more soldiers assembled. Some you recognized and some you didn’t, did all soldiers came here when their duty has ended?
You felt Levi stop and looked back along the battlements.
The tightness in your chest returned when you saw a lone soldier stood with his back to you. You noticed the intertwined roses sigil on his jacket, this soldier was a member of the Stationary Guard. Slowly he turned around to face you, your eyes widening at the familiar look in his eyes...a look you had not seen for far too many years.
Levi smiled knowingly at you and squeezed your hand.
You could feel your body trembling when the soldier smiled at you.
“D-Dad?” The word came out in a hoarse whisper from the shock.
The soldier’s smile widened and he nodded.
Levi let go of you and you ran to your father, throwing yourself into his waiting arms.
“Hello f/n.” He mumbled, holding your trembling body close to his.
You choked out a laugh and held on for all your worth.
“Oh my little girl, let me look at you.” Smiled your father proudly, holding you at arm’s length. His hands moved up to cup your face, he shook his head.
“Look at you, all grown up.” He looked into your eyes. “I am so proud of you f/n!”
You swallowed hard and smiled.
“I missed you so much Dad.” It was all you could do to keep yourself from sobbing.
“Oh I missed you too, my little smart ass.”
You laughed and shook your head, your father had always used that little nickname for you when telling his friends and comrades in the Stationary Guard about you. When you joined the Survey Corps, Levi had also used that exact same nickname for you.
“Funnily enough that was Levi’s nickname for me.” You grinned.
Your father nodded.
“Yes I know.” He let you go and looked back at Levi.
“He kept his promise, he took care of you for me. I’ve heard so many stories about you f/n. I’m very proud of the woman you became.”
You felt yourself trembling again at his words.
“You achieved your dream of joining the military and becoming an officer.”
His smile widened as Levi stood by your side.
“You have no idea how much pride I felt when Levi told me about your reputation within the Survey Corps.”
“Well I had a good teacher.” You smiled, turning your gaze to Levi.
Your father nodded.
“F/n come on!” Yelled a voice from below.
You looked over the battlements and saw Eren waving up at you.
“We’re going to go mess around in the forest with our ODM Gear!”
Your father laughed and walked over to a wooden box on his left, opening it to reveal a set of ODM Gear and a green scouting cloak.
“Go on f/n, you earned your let’s see you use them.”
You smiled and started to assemble the gear, attaching it to your harness like you did so many times in the past. You then put the cloak on and walked towards the edge of the battlements, working out a route down.
“Get going Smart Ass.” Said Levi, helping you up onto the battlements.
You looked back at him and grinned. Taking a deep breath you jumped and deployed your gear, gracefully flying through the air and making your way around the edge of the castle.
“Hey no fair!” Yelled Jean running after you, closely followed by the others.
“No head starts Brain Box!”
Your father stood with Levi and smiled proudly as he watched you, this had been one reunion worth waiting a lifetime for...
So I have writers block on Take Care of Her...AGAIN! 
Decided to try and kill it by writing this little bit of one shot
drabble as a sequel to A Fateful Encounter. Not my best work
granted but meh, it had been stuck in my head for a while. 
© 2015 - 2024 Jewsters1986
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